
Aerospace Engineering

Mechanical Engineering PhD

Electrical and Electronics Engineering (Without Thesis)

English Language and Literature(Without Thesis)

Software Engineering (Without Thesis)

Software Engineering PhD



Turkish Teacher

Political Science and International Relations

Sport Sciences

Pre-School Education (With Thesis)

Stem Cell and Regenerative Medicine (With Thesis)


Game Development Technologies (Without Thesis)

Gastronomy and Culinary (Without Thesis)

Communication Design (Without Thesis)

Communication Design (With Thesis)

Gastronomy and Culinary (With Thesis)

Bioengineering (With thesis)


Business Administration (Without Thesis)

Health Institutions Management (Distance Learning)

Marketing (Without Thesis)

Design and Construction Management (With Thesis)

Economics (Without Thesis)

Banking and Finance (Distance Learning)



Clinical Psychology (with Thesis)

Civil Engineering (With Thesis)

Civil Engineering (Without Thesis)

Music (With Thesis)

Theatre (With Thesis)


Applied psychology (With thesis)

Applied psychology (Without thesis)

Cyber Security (With Thesis)

Interior Architecture(Without Thesis)

Cyber Security (With Thesis)

Accounting and Auditing (With Thesis)


Artificial Intelligence Engineering (with thesis)

Medical Biology and Genetics PhD

Anatomy (with thesis)

Physics (PhD)


Data Science (with thesis)


Civil Engineering



Computer Engineering

Political Science and Public Administration

Industrial Engineering (With Thesis)


Software Engineering

Translation and Interpretation

Culinary Arts and Management

Private Law (With Thesis)

Computer Engineering PhD

Radio and Tv Programming


Healthcare Management

Aircraft Engineering (With Thesis)

Civil Aviation Transportation Management

Flight Operations Management

Social Work

Tour Guide Training (Without Thesis)


Molecular Biology and Genetics (With Thesis)

Nutrition and Dietetics (With Thesis)

Language and Speech Therapy (With Thesis)

Ergotherapy (With Thesis)

Physiotherapy (With Thesis)

Midwifery (Without Thesis)


Global Health (without thesis)

Comparative Literature (With Thesis)

Private Law PhD

Public Law PhD

Global Health (with thesis)



Electrical and Electronics Engineering

Nutrition and Dietetics

Computer Engineering

Art Teaching

Computer and Instructional Technologies Teaching

Elementary Mathematics Teaching


Electronics and Communication Engineering / EU Students (Per Semester)

Mechanical Engineering / Non-EU Students (Per Semester)

Mechanical Engineering / EU Students (Per Semester)

Civil Engineering / Non-EU Students (Per Semester)

Civil Engineering / EU Students (Per Semester)

Business and Management / Non-EU Students (Per Semester)


Computer Engineering

Medical Laboratory Techniques

Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (With Thesis)

Biomedical Engineering (With Thesis)

Sports Nutrition (Without Thesis)
